Over 40 years of Experience can be put to your service.
The Services You Receive
Life-long Programming, which brings both vast amounts of experience and in-depth technical know-how to your project.
Strong Customer Service, which listens to you and understands your needs, all while talking your language.
Project Management. I will constantly keep you informed as to my progress. And I will deliver your project when promised. There are no excuses.
What I Do
I build web sites. I use (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript to bring your designs to life.
I create web applications. I take information from where ever it's stored, manipulate it, and give it back to you in the way your project demands.
I listen to you. You explain what you need. I repeat it to you and make sure we understand each other. I will always do what you need short of an impossibility.
I deliver projects on time, in budget and fully functional. There can never be an exception to this.
I guarentee my work. I will guarentee that my work matches your project's deliverables. There can be no exception here, either.
I follow-up. Six months down the road your needs might change. I will know about that and not wait for you to contact me.